The week starts on Monday with setting up the pictures for The Forum against the playlist I put together for the Doc’s Blues-Rock Show that evening. Printing off the playlist and setting up my thoughts on the words between groups of tracks. Showtime at 7 pm – YAY!
On Tuesday, I start to think about the tracks for next week’s Doc’s Blues-Rock Show. This is an on-going process as I often get an idea during the week. As happened last week, when Michelle Burdis sent me a PM telling me about her latest travels with her work and requested a song for her hubby Graeme. That resulted in me doing a middle ‘half’ of songs about Travelling before choosing 3 tracks for Graeme from bands he loves. Keep adding tracks into iTunes as the day and list progresses. Edit up and post the previous days Doc’s Playlist to the Forum and FB. Upload the recording to Mixcloud and then post in the Playback section in the Forum.
Wednesday is final set-up day for Drive With Doc and the Gang. Any outstanding tracks needed? All voice clips in? Is it mixed in the correct order? That sort of thing.
Thursday is D(oc) and D(ame) Day, with my show in the afternoon and Dame Pen’s Mix Up In the evening. Check all pictures are set up for both shows and any final polishes on words for Doc’s PoP and Formative Years etc.
Friday is start thinking about next week’s Drive and Doc’s. Send out PM’s to The Gang reminding them of their chosen tracks (or requesting them – depends how efficient I have been over previous weeks) and requesting voice clips as intros. Start to add in the songs from my spreadsheets for both shows and buy any that I don’t have for Drive from Amazon (if Darren not got them either). Edit up and post the previous day’s Drive Playlist to the Forum and FB. Upload the recording to Mixcloud and then post in the Playback section in the Forum.
Saturday is sorting out the basic wording for the ‘talkie’ bits on Drive – Doc’s PoP, Doc’s Formative Years, Last Laugh and Classical. Source some reasonable (!) jokes and make sure all of the bits tie together. Then record the Last Laugh jokes and send over to Penny for her to mix them with her bits using Audacity. Penny then sends them back to me with her voice clips for her other slots (Featured Album, Rock and Movie Picks, Song Of The Week and Show Intro) for me to mix in.
Sunday is tidy all loose ends up that may have not been included during the week. Set up and post next week’s promos for both shows to the Forum and FB.
And then we are back to Monday and we start all over again! Love it all!