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About Us



WE ARE A UK BASED AND LICENSED ROCK RADIO STATION. This means that unless you are listening to us as a special guest (i.e. you are an artist or agent or record label for an artist we are featuring on our shows) you should not listen to our station if you do not reside in a UK territory. If you do so you may be breaking the laws of your own country, as well as cause additional fees for us. We love that you want to listen to us, but sadly, we have to ask you not to.


The Past


RRO started out as Crossfire Radio and was the brainchild of Robin Ellis & Darren Smithson. Having worked on their own individual shows previously and realising they had similar ideas and aspirations for a radio station they combined their efforts in 2015 to create Crossfire Radio. CFR was and remains a fully licensed internet radio station, with legally acquired music a mandatory commitment from all our DJs. Both Robin and Darren's shows centred around Rock Music but they always hoped to include shows and presenters playing music of more varied rock genres in the future. This ambition was realised with the addition of a host of new DJs with different format or genre rock shows joining from within a year of broadcasting to the present day.


These new DJs and shows also, over time, changed the the overall direction of the station so, whilst still rock focused, it offered a far more comprehensive set of rock genres, as well as related music genres and experimental formats. Fed up of competing in search results with the radio for the Chrysler Crossfire car (we kid you not!) and because of the way that RRO delivers shows without a central brick & mortar studio, we therefore decided to rebrand as Revolution Radio Online.


The Recent Past


All that coincided with issues with our radio host, L2MR, who had become increasingly unreliable and unwilling to work with the station. Darren and the then new station manager Bonnie therefore decided to move the hosting to a new partner, (now called streamerr), who offered a whole different approach to working in partnership, and also brought with them some fantastic new online tools.


There tools perfectly compliment the revolutionary way that the station was designed to run, with satellite home studios linking into a central server, with DJs and listeners interacting via our Forum and FB show groups, and a first class website offering music related news, articles, blogs and Playback pods and so on- not to mention our Artificial Intelligence DJ application, Dee Jap. By the way, she was AI before AI became fashionable!


Right from the beginning our branding had always used the word "revolution", and the tag "Join the Revolution" has been a constant phrase for a number of years. With the new web address ".online" now available, we suddenly had three elements that said exactly what we did- Radio, Online in a Revolutionary way.


And so Revolution Radio Online was born.


The Present


RRO is now completing a period of consolidation, with the two previous channels permanently merged into the new RevolutionONE channel, and our DJs and listeners getting used to the broadcast of differing genre shows on the one channel. The station's output will still remain at least 80% rock and metal (or genres thereof), with the remaining 20% comprising of alternative pop, experimental and/or magazine style programmes.


Once we have everything in place, we will begin a new recruitment phase for a couple of new genre shows, as well as a weekend rock breakfast show, and a new 3 days a week afternoon show.


We are also embarking on a brand new development path for the future, and details of that will added here soon.


The Revolution has just begun. Glad you're coming along for the ride.

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The Revolution Radio Sound
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© 2015-2024  All text and images on this page are the copyright of Revolution Radio and respective owners  and may not be used without prior permission

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