Well, if everything had gone to plan, The Wednesday Supplement would now be going out fortnightly in February! Sadly, some life stuff means that the show will now go twice monthly in March on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. But worry ye not, we'll keep you entertained in this special show!
2pm to 4pm: Rock Club (including Metal Mayhem) with the likes of After Dark, Rush, Survivor, Deep Purple, Juliet's Not Dead, Queen, Bon Jovi, Barclay James Harvest, Sari Schorr, Dare, Rebecca Downes and more!
4pm to 430pm: Mini-Zone: Pop Zone & Movie Matinee!
430pm to 6pm: The Zone Presents The Hothouse of Dr T Morrow Parts 1 to 4 by Paul Limb, and including exclusive artwork by me inspired by the songs! I'm replaying parts 1 to 2 as it's been a month since the last show, along with parts 3 and 4. The entire serial will then follow in the new fortnightly shows in March and April.
530pm: Going to the Darkside! An epic slice of space rock from ELOY!
It's going to be EPIC!
See you at 2pm on Wednesday the 26th February! Only on RevolutionONE!