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Great show as always Robin. Will be back next week. Good night everyone.
Fantastic finish to another fabulous show, take a bow Sir.
Take care Robin and I will see you again soon mate, goodnight.
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen of the congregation, take care and l will see you all again tomorrow.
Great show cya during the week :-)
great show Robin :) night all xx
Thank you all for your company tonight and the excellent requests, have a great week and i will see you next week. Goodnight all :) RR
Thanks Rev!
Great show Rev and Congregation, will see you in the various shows throughout the week. See https://www.crossfireradio.net/showdays for details.
In the meantime, night night all!!
Great show Robin some brilliant tracks tonight. xx
Goodnight everyone x
Great night Rev. Loved it. Thanks.
Great show as always Robin. Will be back next week. Good night everyone.
Fantastic finish to another fabulous show, take a bow Sir.
Take care Robin and I will see you again soon mate, goodnight.
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen of the congregation, take care and l will see you all again tomorrow.
Great show cya during the week :-)
great show Robin :) night all xx
Thank you all for your company tonight and the excellent requests, have a great week and i will see you next week. Goodnight all :) RR
Thanks Rev!
Great show Rev and Congregation, will see you in the various shows throughout the week. See https://www.crossfireradio.net/showdays for details.
In the meantime, night night all!!
Great show Robin some brilliant tracks tonight. xx
Goodnight everyone x
Great night Rev. Loved it. Thanks.