On Monday's show we will be having a mini-feature on some of the acts that will be performing at The Great British Rock & Blues Festival at Skegness next weekend. Really looking forward to seeing Rainbreakers, Sari Schorr, Chantel McGregor, Connie Lush, Rebecca Downes, Bernie Marsden, Xander and the Peace Pirates, Jo Harman, Ash Wilson, Billy Walton, Dr Feelgood, Elles Bailey and many more.

Night mate
Brilliant dose of the blues tonight Doc, great show pal. Goodnight Doc and my fellow bluesmeisters, take care everybody.
Fab show Doc. I am still working!! But the tunes made it less painful ha ha. Catch ya in the funny pages.
thanks Mike! night x
Thanks for all the pics Penny. Goodnight everybody!
NN Pen. xx
awesome show doc! night all xx
Goodnight all. see ya soon. Thanks all.
AND it still comes out of different speakers on the studio speakers! Memories!
Groovy man!