On this week's show, once again all the tracks will be from albums or singles released this year. So we will have Dani Wilde, Donna Herula, Mike Ross, Will Johns, When Rivers Meet, Rebecca Downes, The Hitman Blues Band, The James Oliver Band, Five Points Gang, Ally Venable, Amanda Jane Heywood and many more
Two more tracks from the very latest album from Bernie Marsden - Kings.
Come and join me for 3 hours of the very best in modern blues and blues-rock, only on RevolutionONE!
See you at midday tomorrow for some Classical choons.
Night all and thanks for your ears.
Cheers Stephen great show really enjoyed it. Night all
Excellent show this evening Doc, loved the music and entertainment mate.
Goodnight Stephen, I am listening until the end.
Take care, look after yourself and I will see you again tomorrow afternoon Sir.
Goodnight and take care Ladies and Gentlemen, look after yourselves fand I will see you all again soon.
Taking a whisky and a cigar out to sit in the garden, but can hear the songs through the open doors... great show Doc, night night fellow Bluesters!
Now this girl can play guitar.
Great tunes ...Night all x
And that lol