On this week's show all the tracks will be from albums or singles released this year. So we will have Joanne Shaw Taylor, Emma Wilson, TBelly, Sean Chambers, Cara Bruns, Wily Bo Walker, Son of Dave, Skylar Rogers, Misty Blues and many more
Two tracks from the very latest albums from Bernie Marsden, Christone "Kingfish" Ingram, The Black and Blues Band, Troy Redfern, Paul Gilings and Robert J Hunter.
Come and join me for 3 hours of the very best in modern blues and blues-rock, only on RevolutionONE!
The best way to end a Monday, terrific show this evening Doc.
Goodnight, take care and I will see you again tomorrow Stephen, look after yourself mate.
Take care everybody and I will see you all again tomorrow.
Look after yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen, goodnight.
Loved what I heard Doc, gonna settle down now am knackered, catch you laters. Night night everyone.
The lovely lady from the north east. xxx
This Zoo sounds good but, it's not as good as the Wednesday evening zoo. 🙂👍
As good as the show is I have to go and cool off somewhere........Night all x