After the postponed from May show on the 10th June, and before the June proper show on the 24th June, we will be changing ATJRF into The Jazz Fusion Café. Why!?! we hear you ask. And we're glad that you did, because this isn't just about a name change, it's about going into the next phase of the show's development.
When Doc and I started the show, it was really about making a statement that we were not about plinky plinky elevator jazz, so we wanted to say what the show was about on the tin so to speak.
Now however, we think we've established that, so it's more now about making the show a cool, sometimes seedy, place to drop by with your favourite smokes, get your tipple of choice, and close your eyes whilst nodding along with your fellow guests and saying things like, "far out mannnnnnnnnnnnn!" So, that is why the show and our chatroom are now both changing to "The Jazz Fusion Café."
We're also bringing the show more inline with our normal evening offerings, with a 7pm start time and last orders at 10pm. It'll still be, for the moment, once a month of the 4th Thursday of the month, but who knows, this too may change in the future.
After all, the thing is with jazz fusion, you can never allow structure and order to rule.
Deep mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.....
Good evening Baron, I hope you are fine and have had a good day today mate.
Tremendous show last night Sir.
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are all well and have had a good day.