So, on the show this week:
Album on the WEEK: This week, CRAZY NIGHTS by The Yellow Dogs of ... er, I mean, ... THE TYGERS OF PAN TANG! !!*
Gone But Not Forgotten! 5 songs, back to back, no interruptions, featuring 5 bands or artists who almost made it, made it but then vanished, were going to be the next big thing, or who were simply talented hopefuls! ! This week, we focus on one act that, whilst being big just about everywhere, vanished almost as quickly as he appeared!
RockLock! Two songs that go together like Fish & Chips!
Rock Blitz. Five songs, back to back, no interruptions, all singalonga! ! This week "Def Leppard" Yup, all 5 songs from Def Leppard!
Live at the BRS: 3 live songs to finish the show and this week, songs from Saga, Supertramp & Magnum !!!
Other bands and artists will include Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Rebecca Downes, Fiona, VANDENBURG, Molly Hatchet, WASP, Terry Newman, Gerry Duncan, Dark Element, Within Temptation, The Alan Parsons Project, ELOY, Whitesnake, Y&T, and more!
Can't be bad value for a show that! See you on Wednesday 18th October at 7pm only on REVOLUTIONONE. See you then!
*If you don't get this comment, don't worry all will be explained on Wednesday
Thanks folks, this is me signing off from THE KINGDOM OF MADNESS! Night night, one and all!!
Loved the show as always Baron, fantastic music choices from yourself this evening mate.
Goodnight, take care and have a fantastic weekend Darren.
I will see you again soon pal, look after yourself.
Goodnight everybody look after yourselves and I will see you all again soon.
Take care Ladies and Gentlemen.
As you like to say about doing the shows, it's the best fun that you can have with your clothes on !
You deserve better than that Darren, they're a disgusting bunch of gits pal.