So, on the show this week:
Album on the WEEK: This week, it's WISH YOU WERE HERE by Pink Floyd!!
Gone But Not Forgotten! 5 songs, back to back, no interruptions, featuring 5 bands or artists who almost made it, made it but then vanished, were going to be the next big thing, or who were simply talented hopefuls! !
LSO Rocks!
FIRST LOOK (for the show, not the station): Stella Wembley's New Track!
Rock Blitz. Five songs, back to back, no interruptions, all singalonga! ! This week "REO SPEEDWAGON" Yup, all 5 songs from REO SPEEDWAGON!
Live at the BRS: 3 live songs to finish the show and this week, songs from THREE different Deep Purple live albums!!!
Other bands and artists will include Iron Maiden, Uriah Heep, Scorpions, Dare*, Led Zeppelin, Delain*, Whitesnake, Fiona, Mountain, FM, Magnum, Thin Lizzy, UFO , AC/DC and more!
Can't be bad value for a show that! See you on Wednesday 20th of September at 7pm only on REVOLUTIONONE. See you then!
Thanks for your ears folks, take it easy, night night all!
Terrific show as always this evening Baron, take a bow mate.
Have a well deserved rest and take care Darren, goodnight.
I will see you again soon pal, have a great weekend, look after yourself.
Look after yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen, I will see you all again soon.
Goodnight everybody, take care.