On the show this week:
Album on the WEEK: Counting down to BRS500, Album of the Week returns counting down to my Number 1 All Time Favourite Album. So this week it will be Number 7 in my all-time favourite albums chart but which album is it? I'll give you a clue: It's an album that had a change of frontman with a lot of fans thinking it would fail. Instead it gave them one of their biggest selling albums and became one of the most influential albums of all time. Now, if that doesn't it away, nothing will! But, what album is it??
Rock Blitz: POMPTASTIC II Back to back, no interruptions, all singalonga!
The First Lady Sings: 2 songs from Rebecca Downes
Live at the BRS: 3 live songs to finish the show, this week all taken from Lynyrd Skynyrd.
All that, plus Grand Prix, KISS, AC/DC, Rainbow, April Wine, Saxon, Iron Maiden, MainEEaxe, Marillion, Foreigner, Uriah Heep, WASP, Queen, After Dark, Avantasia, Delain, Skinny Molly, Xander & The Peace Pirates, Massive Wagons, Earth & Fire, Eric Clapton, Metallica, Dead of Night - and any more I might squeeze in.
Can't be bad value for a show that!
See you on Wednesday 28th of September at 7pm on REVOLUTIONONE.
Night night all, see you Saturday for POPTASTIC III!!
Cheers Darren excellent as ever. Night all.
Another tremendous show this evening Sir, excellent music and entertainment as always Baron.
I'm listening until the end but saying my goodbyes now.
Look after yourself and I will see you again soon Darren, especially Saturday.
Take care pal, goodnight.
Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen, take care and I will see you all again soon.
Look after yourselves everybody.