On the show this week:
Album on the WEEK: Counting down to BRS500, Album of the Week returns counting down to my Number 1 All Time Favourite Album. We will be limited to 4 songs per show from the Album of the Week AND you won't know what the album is until we get to it. Why? Because I want to keep some suspense as to what album made it to which position! So this week it will be Number 36 in my all-time favourite albums chart. And now we can play vinyl, albums not available on CD will be included. So, which album has made it to number 36? I'll give you a clue: IT'S THE ALBUM THAT CONVINCED ME THAT THIS METAL BAND WERE INDEED AWESOME!!
Rock Blitz: 5 songs back to back, no interruptions, all singalonga: This week it's New Wave of British Heavy Metal Giants, but which bands and songs will be performing?
TRINITY: IN respect of it being Stella Wembley's birthday on Thursday, we're playing 3 of her favourite songs.
Live at the BRS: 3 live songs from Rainbow, Whitesnake & Deep Purple to finish the show.
All that, plus we have a selection of my favourite songs, from: AC/DC, Judas Priest, Rebecca Downes, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Kings of Leon, UFO, Nickelback, Chantel McGregor, Joe Bonamassa, Foreigner, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stella Wembley, Stevie Nicks, Metalite, The Dark Element, Muse, The Cure, The Mission, Revolution Saints, Massive Wagons and any more I might squeeze in.
Can't be bad value for a show that!
See you on Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 7pm on REVOLUTIONONE.
Night everyone, see you tomorrow at 7pm. Take care!!!
Enjoyed tonight's show. Must pop by a bit more often.
Until next time, take care everyone.
My introduction to Deep Purple, back in 1977. First time I heard "Smoke" was this very album, the sleeve of which I scanned today.
Fantastic show this evening Baron, excellent music and entertainment as always mate.
Take care and I will see you again tomorrow mate.
Goodnight Darren, look after yourself.
Take care, goodnight and I will see you all again tomorrow.
Look after yourselves Ladies and Gentlemen.
This is one of the most unnerving films I ever saw as a teen...
I have posted on the station's Facebook page a news story in which Richie Faulkner says that he was thinks that the band and KK should settle their differences.