2pm: Start, a couple of songs and then The Horla, read by Dermot Kerrigan 3pm: The Dream, starring Boris Karloff from Lights Out, plus some more songs 3:30pm: Never Murder A Mummy from Detective Tales 4pm: It Happened, Boris Karloff from Lights Out 4:45pm: Fireside Tales of Horror read by Christopher Lee 6pm: Frankenstein! (CBS Mystery Theatre) 7pm: The Baron's Rock Show: Cauldron of Blood 6: with horror laced music from AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Demon, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, Within Temptation and more, including TALES OF MYSTERY & IMAGINATION by The Alan Parsons Project (songs inspired by Edgar Allan Poe) in full. Ending with a Live at the BRS featuring Uriah Heep, The Outlaws and Heaven & Hell. 10:20pm: The Fall of the House of Usher, read by Christopher Lee 11:00pm: Dracula! (CBS Mystery Theatre) Midnight: Tolling the Bells to bring in the Witching Hour 00:10: Frankenstein Revisited! CBS Mystery Theatre 1am: Inner Sanctum with Boris Karloff 1:25am: Tales of Witches Ghosts and Goblins 2am: An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe (and Vincent Price!) 3am or there abouts, close.
Where I need to, other songs with a horror, ghostly or supernatural theme will be thrown in :)
See you at mid-day on CFRXtra! (even for the BRS this week)
Night Baron.
And on that note, I need to go to my pit... night night all, catch you soon! Remember next week it is:
Thanks for your company today, tonight and this morning lol.
Sorry mate - fell asleep in my chair - serves me right for standing up for 7 hours earlier for YAA! Loved what I heard and great show matey. Listening to the final bit of the maestro that is Vincent Price. Sleep tight and maybe see you tomorrow/today!
This is gripping me.
Our final set of shows for tonight....
This 7up advert is funny.
This is a bit good, methinks ☺️
The man that elucidates his words so bloody well.
The BOSS!!