Join us as we at RRO start the process of reclaiming the English flag to celebrate our National Saint the way other nations celebrate theirs!
Starts at 7pm on April 22nd with a Baron's Rock Show with only English rock bands and artists and goes through to midnight of the 23rd.
The full schedule is:
The Baron's Birthday Rock Show with the Baron and Miss Bonnie. 7pm on April 22nd.
DeePlay Max: The Full English autoplay, 10pm April 22nd
The All-English Breakfast Rock Show, with the Baron 8am to 10am April 23rd
DeePlay Max The Full English Continues
Classical Corner with Ms Deed: The London Philharmonic Orchestra, 12pm to 130pm.
DeePlay Max The Full English continues
The Quintissential English Rock Band: The WHO and WHO's Next! 7pm, April 23rd
DeePlay Max The Full English continues through to midnight when it reverts back to normal DeePlay.
See you from 7pm on the 22nd here on REVOLUTIONONE!