This week we are going over to the times of the French Revolution as the play ‘Wot Dave Wrote’ is Madame Twoswords. So, expect plenty of suitably themed songs throughout the show about chambers, horror, swords, wax etc.
This week it is Doc’s Featured Album and it is Pictures at an Exhibition by Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Ann’s Man of the Week is David Byrne (from Talking Heads) and her Formative Years comes from Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music. In What’s Your Style we will have Blues, Rock and Blues-Rock - all within the theme of the week, of course. There are 4 excellent tracks for Pen’s Rock Picks and, there are 4 in her Chill Out Zone. There will be all the other usual features (see Pen’s poster, below) and, as ever, our normal eclectic mix of music. There will be music from Sheryl Crow, The Crickets, Richie Sambora, Queen, Radiohead, Billy Joel, T. Rex, Barclay James Harvest, Gabby Young, Joan Jett, Susan Tedeschi, Paul McCarney, Rick Wakeman and many more.
The show will finish with a bit of classical therapy with The Witch of Atlas – a British Tone Poem written by Sir Granville Bantock, based on Percy Shelley’s original poem.

See you later Penny. XX
Thanks Rob. Laters mate.
see ya soon rob xx
Brilliant afternoon once again Doc and the gang, take a bow everybody.
Thank you everybody, I will see you all again in 35 minutes.
And the solution music clue :
And after Ann's Yoga we have :
And to close out the play sequence we have for Matthew :
For Uncle Tom.
Danny Elfman
The music clue #2 to Ann's Braincells Challenge :
awesomeness :)
And for the final part of Doc's Featured album we have The Hut and Curse of Baba Yaga.
For Beatrice .
Complete with 'girly' shoes!!!
Top man Darren.
For Darren.