The ocean embodies all the moods that inspire composers in their music, be it the tempestuous storms, the blissful calms, the surging waves and the undulating textures that emerge from the ever-changing whims of the weather.
So this Tuesday we have 11 tracks that capture The Sea in music from Ravel, Wagner, Britten, Vaughan-Williams, Elgar, Mendelssohn, Bridge, Bax, Debussy and Wakeman.
Guaranteed to chill you out for the afternoon, so come and join me for Tuesdays Classical Corner, only on RevolutionONE.
Excellent show this afternoon Doc, loved the music today mate.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day Stephen, look after yourself and I will see you again soon, goodbye Sir.
Look afteryourselves Ladies and Gentlemen, take care and I will see you all again tomorrow.
Goodbye everybody, enjoy the rest of your day.
Have a great afternoon all - see you in the shows.
Who else could this be?
Up next :
Good morning Doc, fabulous show last night mate.
I hope you are well and having a good day so far Sir.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you are all fine and having a good day.