On this Tuesday's Classical Corner we will have all movements of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 plus Richard Strauss, Wakeman, Einaudi, Beethoven, Johan Strauss (both the younger and the older), Delius, Bach and Wienawski.
Come and join me at Midday on Tuesday's for 2 hours of awesome Classical music to ease you into the afternoon, only on RevolutionONE.
Thanks Baron and Rob - appreciated.
Fabulous show this afternoon Doc, very relaxing and therapeutic mate.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day Stephen, look after yourself and I will see you again soon.
Goodbye for now mate.
Take care Ladies and Gentlemen, look after yourselves and I will see you all again tomorrow evening.
Enjoy the rest of your day everybody, goodbye.
Have a good afternoon all. Had a great time this afters - hope you have.
Enjoyed the show Doc, ttfn everyone, see you tomorrow if you're free at 7pm.
Okay, coffee finished, now for the wall painting lol. "ALEXA, VOLUME UP!!!"
The Strausses - Senior & Junior.
Just saying.
Afternoon Doc and all, I am literally scoffing a sandwich and having a coffee between phone call errands for the rents (care, medical, council, banks, you name it they need sorting lol). Thought I need some inspiration and energy! Lucky for me, Classical Corner is on :)