On next week's Tuesday's Classical Corner we are going all 'Arthurian' for the middle hour with pieces from Goldsmith, Albeniz, Bax, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, Birtwistle, Wakeman and Einaudi
Pieces from Satie, Beethoven, Bach, Vaughan-Williams, Greig and more.
Come and join me for 2 hours of Classical choons at Midday on Tuesdays, that will guarantee to ease you into the afternoon, only on RevolutionONE.
Had to leave you with Ludwig Van Beethoven! Stay safe everyone!
Brilliant show today Doc, I needed that mate.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your day Stephen, look after yourself and I will see you again soon Sir, goodbye.
Goodbye until tomorrow Ladies and Gentlemen, take care and enjoy the rest of your day everybody.
Look after yourselves everybody.
Great show Doc, enjoyed that muchly!
Afternoon all and have a good rest of the day. See you in the shows!
That moment when you finish your playlist for tomorrow's show, switch everything off and then remember you also have a show on Friday!!