Hiya' guys and dolls, here's where you can come to comment on tonight's Triple D show, from 7:30PM - 10:30 PM tonight, only on CFR Rock.
Owing to me still not feeling 100%, tonight's show will be a long songs special - that and I feel that you need a break from me rambling on at you LOL.
Featuring music from: The Sisters of Mercy, Dire Straights and Avenged Seven Fold, to name only 3.
Please feel free to join me, it would be a pleasure to have your company.

Fantastic show once again DoD, loved the music tonight.
Goodnight Louise XX, Peeps XX, Penny XX, Darren, Robin and my fellow minions, look after yourselves everybody.
Thank you for your company tonight.
Good night all, see you around CFR.
Brilliant show Louise and some great tunes, goodnight all :)
Excellent show Ms Deed! Thank you for giving me an easy task tomorrow lol. Rest easy now!
NN all!
Uncle Bob!!!
awesome show lou :) night night all xx
Are you ready for?...
Good evening Dame Penny. XX
Agghh thanks Dazzler LOL
It's dem blookes fram Barnsley.